Our company specializes in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. We offer comprehensive consulting, design, manufacturing, assembly, and servicing of these systems tailored to your needs. Contact us, and together we will find the best solution for your project.
Why choose us?
Wide range of services: From simple repairs to complex “turnkey” deliveries
Experts in their field: A team of experienced engineers and technicians will ensure a professional approach and tailor-made solutions.
Quick response: In case of a breakdown, we ensure fast service and minimize production downtime.

Find Us
INTERFLUID spol. s r.o.
1.Máje 3381/106
Ostrava – Moravská Ostrava, 703 00
Opening times: 7:00 – 15:30
(mo-fr excluding holidays)
E-mail: interfluid@interfluid.com
Telephone: (+420) 595 953 879
Mobile: (+420) 606 782 769
More information
Information for customers
E-shop for English speaking is under construction
For any information and inquiry please contact us: